KuKachu ($KUKA) smart contract is the cutest at launch. KuKachu is a community driven, fair launched token which means no ICO and no pre-sale. Train and HODL your KuKachu to the top of the KCC Training Grounds and enjoy the rewards.
KuKachu is the only hyper-deflationary token built on the KuCoin Community Chain, which rewards investors for holding tokens (more information on how to win a Tesla in our next post!).
KuKachu Features
The KuKachu code is especially written from scratch for the KCC Training Gym! It is an upgraded version of the Safemoon RFI tax, with the addition of; Automatic burning, automatic liquidity, automatic buybacks and the best integrated bot protection available!
Win Prizes — Investors in $KUKA are encouraged to Train & HODL with our unique transactional taxes mechanism.
- 16% tax on all transactions (buy/sell and wallet transfer)
Safe environment — $KUKA is built upon trust and is a safe environment which has anti-whale, anti-bot and anti-dump mechanics implemented.
- Anti-Whale Manipulation
All sorts of transactions (sell/buy and wallet transfers) are restricted to not trade more than 0.05% of the total supply. (This counts towards the total supply of the token, not the total amount of coins you are holding)
Wallets are not allowed to HODL more than 1% of the total supply. - Bot Protection
After every sale of $KUKA the wallet address has a cool down time of 2 hours before trading again. - Buy/Sell Mechanics
In the first week Smart Contracts are restricted to buy and/or sell, this prevents bots from swing trading the cutest token on KCC. - Dump Prevention
No one is able to sell their $KUKA for 24 hours after it gets listed on Koffeeswap.
$KUKA Tokenomics
The Tokenomics will be released in a future medium post!
Join our community
Telegram channel: https://t.me/KuKachuOfficial_EN
Telegram Announcement channel: https://t.me/KuKachuOfficialAnn
Twitter: twitter.com/KukachuOfficial
Medium: kukachu.medium.com
Website: Kukachu.com
Listing Date: TBA